Structural osteopathy, Paediatric osteopathy, Osteopathy in the cranial field, Animal osteopathy, Dry needling, Shockwave therapy, Visceral osteopathy, Sports injuries, Cervicogenic headaches
Years of experiance:
18 years
Thomas Wynn-Jones is a dedicated osteopath with 17 years experience, who trained at the University College of Osteopathy (previously the British School of Osteopathy). He is registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOSC) in the UK, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) in the UAE and has carried out over 45,000 consultations with over 12,000 individual patients. He is also a member of the American Academy of Osteopathy, a founding member of the American Academy of Paediatric Osteopathy and was the founding president of the Osteopathic association of Singapore.
To meet individual patient’s needs, Thomas uses a variety of osteopathic techniques such as structural, visceral, positional/fascial release and osteopathy in the cranial field. Other healing modalities such as therapeutic ultrasound, percussion hammer and traditional dry needling are incorporated into individually tailored treatments for patients. Using a holistic approach to his patients, he always works towards general health maintenance, as one treatment does not fit all!
Thomas Wynn-Jones initially gained experience working in private and NHS clinics in London and Surrey (UK) before continuing his profession in Singapore and now in the UAE, Dubai.
Through many years of work with professional rugby players, world champion boxers, tour golfers as well as other pro and amateur athletes, Thomas has become specialized in high profile sports osteopathy, which includes the successful treatment and prevention of recurring injuries.
Being a parent himself, another of Thomas’s passion, is the osteopathic treatment of pregnancy pain and dysfunction, where he will always work to minimize, remove or stop the discomfort and pain related to it. This experience naturally lead to the treatment and management of many babies & children for a variety of ailments, including reflux and colic to torticollis. This area of his practice is often through the use of cranial osteopathy in which Thomas has carried out extensive training in the UK and the US. He has many years of experience using this very safe and effective treatment on babies, toddlers, children and pregnant mums.
His interest in the well being of office workers has lead to Thomas giving treatment to and advice for the long term relief of low back, mid bakc, neck, shoulder and other pains associated with office work, including headaches. Thomas ‘hands-on’ patient approach always includes patient education, as knowledge about what is wrong has always been an aid to a patient’s speedier recovery.

Many types of headaches can be properly diagnosed, effectively treated and managed through Thomas’s use of Osteopathy.
Using a holistic, osteopathic sieve case history and then applying it to a timeline analysis. Thomas will attempt to find the root cause of pain, discomfort or bodily dysfunction as well as the tissue causing symptoms. This normally allows for a longer lasting relief from injuries, suffering and disease that patients can suffer with.
In further training and studying, Thomas gained his post graduate diploma of ‘Animal osteopathy’ in 2018. Since then he has been helping to diagnose, treat and manage problems in Dogs, cats and horses.
As a newly qualified osteopath, many years ago, Thomas carried out and presented his award winning research work into the referral practices of GP’s within the National Health Service. He has subsequently lectured and held workshops on sports injuries, pregnancy, baby/child care and workplace health. He is confident and happy to give health based teachings, in corporate or other settings, as he enjoys using his extensive knowledge and experience to help others.
Thomas regularly attends postgraduate training in Osteopathy as well as other complementary therapies.
In my approach to patients I always try to offer a path to less pain, dysfunction, discomfort or other problems that may require a complicated diagnosis or understanding. This will help me to decide if I can help or another practitioner may be better suited to help with their particular set of specialised skills. Referring with in a trusted network has helped many patients that have come to see me. I try to be the start of a path to pain resolution.
Please come and see me if you think I can help? Am always open to a conversation over the phone as well.
Take care and all the best to you.